Want to contribute to our cause?

Then send an unsolicited application to info@cm-fluids.de

Values that unite us in the team:

Passion for sustainability

Our passion is to make the best use of existing assets, close regional loops and act in a resource-conserving and sustainable manner. We always try to keep the big picture in mind.


Curiosity and openness to adventure are our hallmarks. We face challenges every day, both small and large. We face them courageously and grow together. Mistakes are part of the process, and crises always offer opportunities to do something better – the climate crisis as well as the challenges we encounter in our day-to-day work.


Taking responsibility means accompanying problems until they are solved. We grant and use freedom and always respect our counterparts.


Priorities and general conditions can change quickly. You don’t always know in advance how to solve a challenge; finding the best solution is part of the challenge.

Diligence and perfection are valued, so prioritization must be clear and transparent at all times, and priorities can change quickly.

Our employees also act flexibly in their processes to meet the needs of our customers and partners in the best possible way and to respond to changing conditions such as laws and markets.


We encourage and support each other. We assume and rely on each other from day 1 that everyone does what they can and for that we value each other.


We rely on close contact, long-term cooperation, consistent networks and believe in win-win situations.

… So that you feel comfortable with us, you need a portion of intrinsic motivation, “problem solver attitude” and the ability to work out topics independently.

In return, you will be given a lot of freedom, a great deal of trust and room for maneuver.

The vision is clear - we are shaping the way there together.

„Together we move it“